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My goodness! This is so exciting! The only hitch in my meeting with the Elders today was when I needed to ask one of the Elders a question and accidentally called him Mum.

I tried to mumble afterwards to cover up what I had said but it was too late...

Everyone knew.

I also met my team members today that I am to lead!

The first member is named 8-Bit! It became apparent that 8-Bit wasn't overly impressed with me after I tried to take his photo from my camera-phone and he told me not to.

He was even less impressed after I told him that I was only making a phone call right before the camera flashed off in his face...

8-bit!! I'm sure in time he and I will become great friends!

The next member of our crew is called Glide Thunderbolt! Glide was much warmer to me than 8-Bit. Perhaps mainly because he insisted on me taking over 30 pictures of him...

Anyway time to get my sleep! We head off for briefing tomorrow and after that...C522!

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In a bizarre twist of fate, the letter that the Elders sent me has turned out to be a letter asking for my services to protect a small planet named C522! Initially I thought the Elders must have made a mistake (or cruel prank) in choosing me as leader to protect planet C522 as I didn't have any experience in protecting planets (or anything for that matter).

Oh well.

In reality maybe I just made an error in judgment upon myself and I'm not actually incompetent but rather just a late bloomer!

I just hadn't reached my full potential yet!

I'm overjoyed!

I think this will do it for tonight’s diary entry! I must get my sleep as I need to meet with the Elders tomorrow morning!

In fact... This writing I've been doing, I'm not going to call them diary entries anymore! What am I a girl or something? From now on I'm going to call them mission logs!

...Of course that starts tomorrow as I already started this entry as a diary entry and changing midway through wouldn't be right.

Arghhhh! I've just realised one of the letters which I thought was a bill from yesterday was actually from the Elders!

I'm too scared to open it! I bet they know that I was looking at all the confidential information they had put into the database at my work from the Urangotonne incident!!

Better sort this out. Enough writing for tonight...

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